Industry benchmarks for Email Analytics

We recommend that you benchmark your Email Analytics by regularly testing and building a set of data points to make an internal comparison for a particular client, industry or audience segment. This way, you can track changes in behavior and preference over time and adjust your marketing programs accordingly.

Litmus reports regularly on email client market share on our blog to provide as much relevant information as we can. While benchmarks may exist for some email marketing metrics like click or open rates, there is no standard or ideal number for any one user's email analytics reports. The statistics we share in our Email Client Market Share report represent audience behavior and preferences across our entire Litmus community.

Since we currently don’t ask our customers to identify their industry, we do not have any information regarding specific verticals. Comparing your analytics to another group, even in the same industry, may provide some interesting views but probably provides very little practical benefit. Your subscribers are unique and your emails are, too!

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