Legacy projects and tests

If your account was created before October 2019 and you had projects in the prior version of Litmus, you will find a Legacy Emails folder in the left pane of your inbox window.

Go to your Emails page and select Legacy Emails in the left-hand sidebar.

Emails page with arrow pointing to legacy emails on the left

Legacy Builder, Checklist (now known as Previews & QA), or Proof projects are retained in Builder, Proof, and Checklist folders.

Contents displayed in legacy emails folder of builder, proof, and checklist project folders

Open a project and follow the prompt to have it moved to your Inbox folder.

A few things to note about accessing your legacy projects:

  • When transferred, projects are moved into the Unsorted folder  
  • All versions of a Builder project—and all emails within the project—will be transferred into a new folder in All Emails on the Home page
  • Email previews will not be generated when a transfer takes place
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