ESP Sync for Marketo

Litmus ESP Sync for Marketo provides integration with a number of steps in the email workflow including Building, Testing, and Analyzing email performance.

NOTE: Marketo integrations are available on Enterprise plans.

Setting up the Marketo sync

Setting up Marketo requires four inputs to use as API credentials to your Marketo account. To authenticate, Litmus needs:

  • Client Id 
  • Client Secret 
  • Identity URL 
  • Endpoint URL

The first two come from creating an installed service, and the two URLs are copied from the REST API section of Marketo. Credentials can be entered from the Export menu in any Builder view, or from the Manage ESPs page in Settings.  You can also connect your ESP from the Analyze section to get Integrated Insights.  

NOTE: You will need to have an Admin role for your Marketo account to complete the setup.

Marketo add new ESP enter your credentials page

Create the API role and API Only user in Marketo

You need to create a Custom Service to connect to Litmus and associate that service with an API Only User in Marketo. 

Use this quick start guide for Marketo REST API which shows how to set up a typical API service in Marketo. The first step is to set up an API role and then create an API user and give that role to the API user. 

Permissions needed for Litmus ESP integration

While you can grant all API permissions, Litmus only needs two permissions when creating the API role to use ESP Sync: 

  • Read-Write Assets permissions to sync email designs.
  • Read-Only Activity permissions to sync email performance activity to Litmus Integrated Insights.

Creating a new role

  • Select the Users & Roles node on the left side of the Admin panel.
  • Choose New Role to display the modal below.
  • Select the permissions needed: Read-Write Assets and Read-Only Activity.

Create new role modal with required API permissions selected

Create the custom service in Marketo

Once you have an API role and an API Only User set up, go to Admin > LaunchPoint.

Create a New Service and select Custom as the service type.

Marketo installed services> new dropdown   Marketo new service modal with Custom selected as the service type

Once the service is created, get the Client Id and Client Secret by selecting your service and then View Details. In this example, we named the service Builder-Test.
  Marketo Builder-Test service highlighted in orange

Selecting View Details displays the necessary authentication details you'll need to provide to Litmus. You will need to paste the Client Id and Client Secret in the Litmus Connect ESP modal. 

Marketo details modal

Next, go to Admin > Web Services. Grab the Identity URL and Endpoint URL under the REST API section. You will need to paste these into the Litmus ESP modal in the next step. 

Marketo Web Services page with sensitive details blurred out

Enter the details in Litmus

You can now set up your connection to Marketo from the Settings Manage ESPs page in Litmus Settings or from the Integrated Insights Report in Litmus. 

  • Select Add a new ESP or Connect ESP
  • Follow the instructions to enter the details you copied from Marketo. You will need to enter your Identity URL, Endpoint URL, and the Client ID and Client Secret for the service you created.

Litmus Sync with Marketo enter your credentials modal

Make sure there are no leading spaces in the details you have entered, as those can be copied over from the Marketo UI. Select Add & Authenticate ESP to complete the setup.

Your Litmus account should now be connected and ready to sync with Marketo.

NOTE: If your team intends to sync to Marketo Campaigns, not just Templates, you must approve the Litmus Base Email Template in Design Studio. This can be found in Design Studio at the following path: Design Studio/Default/Email Templates/LitmusApi. There will be an email template in the LitmusApi folder—please ensure that is approved.

IMPORTANT: Syncing to Campaigns will use the From name and email address of the Litmus user that created the email. Please be aware that subsequent syncs/saves will continue to use these details and will overwrite any change made in Marketo.


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