Real-time data feeds

Email Analytics (EA) Real-time Data Feeds enable marketers to directly connect Litmus EA data to their ESP or BI platform, so they can get a holistic view of their email campaign results in near real-time.

It uses Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS), to send Email Analytics hit data, collected from Litmus tracking codes, to customers as soon as it is received by Litmus (in real-time). 

At the point hit data is detected by Litmus the customer receives the callback from Litmus with the details and data, they are then able to process this information into any other system or BI tool they choose to configure. 

Litmus Email Analytics Real-time Data Feeds is available on Litmus Enterprise plans only.


What Litmus plan is Real-time Data Feeds available on?

Real-time Data feeds is an Enterprise-level feature and access is included in all Enterprise plans at no additional cost.

Does my Litmus plan need to include ‘API access’ to be able to use Real-time Data Feeds?

No. In the same way our EA FTP service operates, Real-time Data Feeds are available to all Enterprise accounts, regardless of the plan including the API access component.    

Are there plug-and-play connectors?

EA Real-time Data Feeds is not a plug-and-play connector that automatically works with ESPs and BI tools. It does require development work on the part of the customer in order to use it. 

Is data passed bi-directionally?

It is not a two-way connection. EA Real-time Data Feeds sends information from Litmus to the customer’s ESP or BI platform. No ESP or BI data is brought into Litmus.

What extra analysis do Real-time Data Feeds provide?

Real-time Data Feeds do not capture any additional data beyond what is included within the Litmus Email Analytics product or provide any specific analysis of the data. The feed pushes the existing data points Litmus collects for each open to the customer’s system of choice. From here the customer can choose how they manipulate or analyze the data.

Why is the Geolocation data blank?

To align with rising data privacy protection measures and to protect the privacy of your subscribers, Litmus removed the geolocation data from Litmus Email Analytics in January 2022.

What do I need to get started with Litmus Real-time Data feeds?

In order to begin consuming data feeds the Litmus customer must have:

  1. An eligible Litmus Enterprise account that has access to and is using Email Analytics.
  2. A suitable HTTP/HTTPS endpoint capable of receiving POST requests from Amazon SNS. Full setup details here: Please note that these requests are sent as text/plain and not application/json. 

Example Notification

Below is an example of a notification that would be sent to your endpoint.

    "Type": "Notification",
    "MessageId": "9cef4cba-9317-560b-b29a-107d2805616c",
    "TopicArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:705477197468:ea_account_production_3_857175",
    "Message": "{\"activity_type\":\"Read\",\"campaign_guid\":\"89r4i3l4\",\"reliability_category\":\"Reliable\",\"custom_id\":\"[CONTACT-ID]\",\"custom_data\":\"\",\"custom_type\":\"\",\"city\":\"\",\"region\":\"\",\"country\":\"\",\"referrer\":\"\",\"user_agent\":\"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko)\",\"created_at\":\"2022-01-10T19:13:35\",\"mail_client\":\"Apple Mail\",\"mail_client_specific\":\"Apple Mail 13 Light Mode\",\"rendering_engine\":\"Webkit\",\"platform\":\"desktop\",\"read_category\":\"Read\",\"read_seconds\":12}",
    "Timestamp": "2022-01-10T19:13:22.042Z",
    "SignatureVersion": "1",
    "Signature": "CZRu9LDYYvrSIIebb02t5qwh12Tp8GD9HPMfHASACZR7zbL8+OmwlMC/8zRf5jrc9l7EZk/8jaO9IH3xnej/HEkM80D2+GEkLVqUpp1IVPFIvKyg/wRHwIo2/aPVQBZUzLXTiPf4fbPDGlc+TS/sMkUwRmqZ/Mc+LPYhYMaVM6RhF6hhJI2txSs78ceUr7KcgzIbCEpDV4zMFgIm1/HyU/6g90DLQws8Cb5jdglw7T9pXZlybb5UWpmuOmHf3EnZix65tnMIf/DihE43aHkfqal06IYFfzKT7xeqpaTufi37bFJT9diXd/pR1JF/TWikvRTr3i6dBxO3t8C6ws/cPg==",
    "SigningCertURL": "",
    "UnsubscribeURL": ""

What steps are involved in getting set up with Real-time Data Feeds?

  1. Send an email to your Litmus Account Manager and copy in, requesting access to Real-time Data Feeds. You will need to include the endpoint URL that will receive the POST requests for this request to progress. If you are utilizing subaccounts, please indicate which subaccounts should be included in the setup. We are able to support a unique endpoint per account/subaccount, or we can use the same endpoint for each. 
  2. Litmus Technical Support will register the endpoint provided.
  3. Once the endpoint is registered by Litmus Technical Support, they will push a subscription confirmation message to it.
  4. At that point, you can either confirm the subscription via the confirmation message payload or pass it along to us and we can do it for you.
  5. Once the subscription is confirmed, the feeds are fully configured. All hits for campaigns created from this point forward will be sent to the endpoint.
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