Using visual impairment filters

Visual impairment filters allow you to use four color vision deficiency filters to check how your email displays for subscribers with visual impairments. 

You can easily toggle Visual Impairment Filters on to see how your email will display for a user with Deuteranopia (green deficiency), Protanopia (red deficiency), Tritanopia (blue deficiency), and Achromatopsia (color blindness). 

Litmus also provides an email client preview that simulates color blindness you can select in your email client list. It previews a single option for red/green vision impairment.

Visual Impairment Filters are available anywhere in the Litmus platform anywhere you can view your email:

Applying Visual Impairment Filters to your email will not count towards your Previews usage.

NOTE: This feature is currently not available on any public shared pages from Builder, Previews & QA, or Proof.


Visual Impairment Filters can be applied to the preview pane in Litmus Builder, in both the Browser and Email Previews views.

Open the dropdown menu in the top left corner of the Browser or Email Previews Pane to access and select a Visual Impairment Filter:

dropdown menu in Builder with Visual Impairment Filter options

The selected filter will be applied to the browser view and any previews generated in your email. 

animation of the dropdown menu in Builder with visual impairment filters being selected

In the Email Previews view, you can open any individual preview thumbnail to display a full-sized preview with your selected filter applied.


NOTE: Proof is available on Enterprise plans.

In Proof, Visual Impairment Filters can be selected using the dropdown menu above the email:

animation of visual impairment filters being applied in proof

Previews & QA

In your Previews & QA tab, Visual Impairment Filters can be found in the Accessibility section of your QA Checklist.

visual impairment filter options in the Previews & QA tab of an email

Here, you can select each filter to view a preview of your email with the filter applied. This will open the Comparison View, with your email displayed without the filter on the left, and the filtered preview on the right.

comparison view with visual impairment filter applied

NOTE: The Comparison View will display the preview in the first client selected in your list of preview clients for a given email.

After you have selected a filter in the Accessibility section, this selection will automatically be applied to any Preview you open until it is toggled off. Additionally, filters can be applied to specific previews by opening the thumbnail and selecting the desired filter using the menu at the bottom of the page.

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