Litmus Enterprise: managing users and subaccounts

An Account Holder can easily manage users and teams across a parent account and subaccounts in an Enterprise plan. Team members can be given different roles, enabling controlled access to the various features of Litmus.

  • Reports: User Activity, Download Reports

User roles and editing

NOTE: Account Holder, Admin, Full, Code Editor, and Content Editor roles count toward your user subscription limits. All other user types do not!


Access to all aspects of your account including billing and team members. Can edit/delete users on subaccounts they have access to. They cannot manage subaccount creation or global security settings. If an Admin is on the Parent account, they can manage billing; if an Admin is only on a subaccount, they will not have access to billing. Admins can not manage other admins on the account, only full/read-only users. Admins cannot cancel an account.


Can create new emails and spam tests, as well as generate Email Analytics codes and CSV reports. Full users can also create new ESP connections.

Code Editor

Read-only access to the Design Library, so they cannot create, edit, or delete Templates, Partials, or Snippets. Full access to all other features.

Content Editor

Content Editors can build emails in the Visual Editor. Full access to all other features. No direct access to the Design Library, and also cannot edit email code in Litmus Builder.


Can view existing emails, spam tests, and campaign results in Analytics. Can review any Proof, and can approve and leave comments. Reviewers cannot delete or modify anything in your Litmus account.

Proof Reviewer

Can view only the Proof section of Litmus. Can review Proofs they were invited to and comment on them. Proof Reviewers cannot create new Proofs or delete or modify anything in your Litmus account. Proof Reviewers are created when you invite a new user, not currently on your account, to view a Proof by entering their email into the Share dialog. The Proof Reviewer role is also automatically assigned to all new users who are added to an account by commenting on a public Proof page.

Billing Manager

Can access the Billing tab to download invoices and set the Billing contact. This user also has the ability to update payment information. No access to any other features.

Role privileges table

Account Holder Admin     Full        Code Editor Content Editor Reviewer Proof Reviewer Billing Manager
Cancel Subscription

Manage Subaccounts

Manage Users (across subaccounts)

View Invoices

Edit Assets in Design Library 

Edit code in Builder

Edit Email in Visual editor

Create New Emails

Create New Spam Tests

Create New Analytic Codes 

Create New ESP Sync

View Emails

View Spam Tests

View Analytic Reports 
View Proof
Comment on Proof

Editing users

To edit a user, navigate to the Accounts page. Choose the user’s name or use the cog icon in the right-hand column.

You can edit the user’s permission/access levels in the User Modal. User's name and email address are not editable.


Adding subaccounts

The Account Holder may add a new subaccount by selecting the Create Subaccount button on the upper right side of the Summary or Accounts pages.

You’ll be asked to choose a name for your new subaccount in the pop-up modal. We generally recommend using a clear naming convention that indicates the client, division, or team that will be using the subaccount. You can also rename the subaccount later. When you’re ready, choose Create Account.

Global Account Management page

Renaming subaccounts

To rename an existing subaccount, navigate to the Accounts page and select Rename under the subaccount you wish to rename. After making your changes, choose Update Account.

renaming subaccounts

Deleting subaccounts

If you ever need to delete a subaccount, please contact us for assistance.

Adding users to subaccounts

Once you’ve created a subaccount, adding a new user is simple. You can add a new user via two methods.

  1. Navigate to Settings next to your name in the upper right-hand corner then to Users & Groups.
  2. Select the Add New User button in the upper right-hand corner.

From here, the Add User modal will pop up. First, add the new user’s name and their email address that will be used to log in.

To assign access to subaccounts, navigate to the appropriate accounts or use the search field. You may also choose access and permission levels for each account. Select Create User.

NOTE: Except for the Account Holder, each user needs to be added individually to access a particular subaccount. Users added to the parent account do not automatically have access to any subaccounts under the parent.

add new user

Deleting users from individual subaccounts

You can delete a user from an individual parent account or subaccount via the Accounts page. Use the trashcan icon to the right of the user’s name to remove them from that specific subaccount.

Deleting users from all parent & subaccounts

Access the User Modal by choosing a user’s name or by selecting the cog icon next to their name on the Accounts page. Select Remove user from all accounts. A dialog box will appear asking you to confirm.


The Account Holder can view user and child account reports on the Reports page. By default, the page will exclude Reviewers, but you can view all users by using the All users filter on the right-hand side.

Reviewing user history

The default view for the Reports page is a list of unique users for your current billing month. You’ll find user history, email address, last login, parent/subaccount assignments, and user permission levels.

To review previous billing cycles and user permission history, select the  Show Usage For dropdown in the upper right corner and choose the appropriate billing month.

Download a user report

To download a report of all your unique users, their last login, and permission levels and subaccount access, use the  Export Unique Users As CSV button in the upper right corner.

The report contains name, email address, last login, and a list of all account assignments/permission levels.


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