Images in Litmus for email testing

Litmus does not provide image hosting for email tests. The images for your email will need to be hosted on your own server or through your Email Service Provider using absolute links (no relative links). In order to return the most accurate results possible, Litmus looks for images hosted on your servers, rather than hosting the images for you and failing to reveal any issues with hosted images.

If your images are hosted within a protected environment, you may need to add Litmus to your allow list. Please contact support for instructions!

Embedded images

Litmus is unable to support embedded images in iOS previews. Images embedded using Content-ID (CID) tags or base64 encoding will not render in iOS previews and will appear as broken images. There are also several email providers that do not support embedded images and previews will reflect that.

In addition to inconsistent support in inboxes, embedded images increase the overall size of an email which may affect loading time, engagement, and more.

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