Compare and share your email analytics campaigns
Comparing your email analytics provides insight into how your subscribers are interacting with your email over time and across campaigns. Your Analytics page provides several ways to group your campaigns so you can gather more information to help build more successful emails.
Aggregate reports
Find Aggregate report in the left menu of your Analytics Overview. The default view shows you tracking codes with opens in the past 30 days. You can customize the view and save your reports to quickly see or share data.
Filter analytics data
Select the Edit Filters button to change the aggregate view. You can alter date ranges, filter by a tracking code keyword or name part, or collect tracking codes that include a custom tag. Each filter can be used individually or you can combine options to create reports relevant to your needs.
Save a custom report
Once you have set your filters and applied them, use the Save report button in the upper left of the report window to create a saved report.
Share a custom report
Saved reports appear in the left menu of your Aggregate Report window under the Custom Reports heading. You can save as many reports as you need! To share a custom report, open it and choose the Share button in the upper left. Select the team members you'd like to have access to the report. You can add a note and when you select Share, your selected team members will receive an invitation email to access the report.
IMPORTANT: The Aggregate Report can return results for most datasets. However, if your filter tag is applied to large numbers of tracking codes, especially with significant recipient data, the report may be unable to provide results. If you report fails to generate, reduce the time range for the filter tag to improve report success.
Compare campaigns
With Litmus, you can compare up to 5 tracking codes of your choice to create comparison graphs of reading environment and audience engagement. See at a glance if your audience's preferences varied for an email in a series or season.
Select tracking codes
Select Compare campaigns in the left menu of your Analytics Overview page. You can choose up to 5 campaign by checking the box next to their names. If a tracking code has not gathered enough data, it will be grayed out so you don't have to worry about test codes or pre-made codes that have not been used yet. Use the Compare campaigns button at the bottom left to create your report.
View and export data
Two charts are generated that allow you to compare your audience's reading environment and engagement based on the data gathered for each of the campaigns. You can hover over each area to see the information for each of the campaign tracking codes, as well as see the general trend across all of your selected codes.
The comparison data can be exported as a CSV file using the button in the upper right part of the report window.