Work with images in Builder

You can upload and insert images for your email while you're building and testing. Images uploaded to Builder can only be used for testing purposes. Before you send your email, images must be hosted on your own dedicated server or through your own ESP.

Upload an image

To upload an image, use the Insert dropdown menu above the code editor and select Image. The image insert panel will open between the code editor and your Builder project browser view. Use the Upload image button to continue.

Drag your image file onto the upload dialog or select the Browse link to find files on your computer. You can upload multiple images at once.

upload images modal in builder

NOTE: Images are only uploaded to the email you are working on. If you want to reuse these images in another email, you will need to upload them again in that email.

Check the list of images in your email any time! You can show or hide a sidebar list of images using CMD+B on your keyboard. To upload images, use the Insert dropdown.

animation showing sidebar show and hide activated by keyboard CMD + B

Insert an image

To insert an image you've uploaded, use the Insert dropdown menu above the code editor and select Image. The image insert panel will open between the code editor and your Builder project browser view. You'll see a list of your uploaded images, ordered alphabetically. You can search your images using the search input at the top of the list.

image panel with search box at top of list indicated and insert options over an image indicated

When you've found the image you want to use, hover over it and select the green Insert button. This will insert the image in the location of your cursor with a basic HTML image container. The HTML code for the image container defines the source, height, and width of an image. Here is an example:

<code><img src="example.jpg" width="250" height="100" />

Optionally, you can use the Copy filename link to copy the image fliename to your clipboard, then paste it into the src attribute of an image container already in your email code.

NOTE: The code editor uses relative paths when referring to images uploaded into Builder. You will need to update your image links with absolute paths to where they are hosted in order for your images to render correctly in your final email.

Delete an image

To delete an image, use the Insert dropdown menu above the code editor and select Image. The image insert panel will open between the code editor and your Builder project browser view. You'll see a list of your uploaded images, ordered alphabetically.

You can search your images using the search input at the top of the list. Find the image you want to delete, hover over it and use the trash can icon.

image panel with trash can icon indicated over image


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