Personalize with Instagram feeds

Automatically pull your latest Instagram posts into your email with Litmus Personalize's Instagram feeds! Keep email content up-to-date and fresh. With each open, your email can display your latest Instagram posts automatically, reducing time and resources needed to pause and update the content in your lifecycle campaigns.

Get connected

Have your Instagram login information available before you get started. Your company's account administrator can provide the information if you don't have it already.

NOTE: With Meta's decision to change their API, in order to use our Instagram Feeds, you will need to have a Business account with Instagram. Please refer to the following Meta documents on the process:

Start in the Personalized content top menu link and select the Instagram feeds option.

litmus personalize main content window

Choose the blue Connect button in the upper right corner of the Customize pane. Enter your Instagram account credentials, then save your information. You'll see connected to (your account) in the Customize pane and you'll have access to your Instagram content!

You can connect your Instagram account to as many individual Personalize feed items as you'd like!

NOTE: You can connect any Instagram feed widget to any IG account as long as you have login information. Each IG account can have multiple widgets but each widget can only connect to one account.

Your instagram feed widget's default name is the template name but you can edit it to whatever you prefer by clicking on the name on the top left.

title edit in upper left and connect button in upper right corner of customize pane

Customize your Instagram feed

Your Instagram feed widget will collect your most recent posts. Use the customization pane to display from 2 to 9 posts in your email.

Layout options

Layout options start with two side by side images and include variations up to a 3 x 3 image display. You can style the background color and frame elements, including a radius setting to round out your images, as well as controls adjusting your grid gap and overall margin.

NOTE: Your Instagram feed image may not exactly match your Instagram account grid, especially if you have pinned or collaboration posts. Instagram posts are presented in the most recent order, regardless of their pinned status. Collab posts only appear if you are the original owner of the content, also in the most recent order.

Filter/sort options

Your Instagram feed filter options are applied to the most recent 100 posts.

  • Hashtag or keyword
    • enter hashtags with the # symbol or enter keywords for your desired posts

  • Most recent
    • posts from your most recent 100 will appear in the selected number of tiles in your feed widget

  • Most liked
    • select 30, 60, or 90 days of your Instagram feed to display the most liked posts in your selected tiles
    • posts are filtered out of the 100 posts available during the time period

Enlarge hashtag/keyword image

Enlarge most recent image

Enlarge most liked image

Style options

Select a background color for your tile blocks or check the box for a transparent feed widget.

You can adjust:

  • Corner radius - round the corners or create circular images of your feed content
  • Grid gap - adjust the space between each tile in your feed grid
  • Outer margin - change the width of the framing margin of your whole feed widget

Instagram style menu options

Preview and finish

When you're ready, select the green Next button in the upper right to preview your social feed image. If a subscriber clicks anywhere on the feed image, they'll be taken to your Instagram account. You can go back to edit more or choose the Next button to save your widget and get your HTML.

feed preview step

Select the Copy HTML button to place your code in your email right away or choose Done in the upper right corner to save your Instagram feed for future use.

final page with the email code for your instagram feed to copy and use

All your Instagram feed widgets are saved in the Instagram feeds menu item of your Personalized content page in Litmus. You can change your Instagram feed widget names and copy the HTML from your library any time.

instagram feed library with title edit field and copy HTML button indicated

Disconnect your Instagram account

To disconnect your Instagram account from the current feed item, select the Disconnect button in the upper right corner of the customization pane. You can choose to connect a different Instagram account so you don't have to rebuild it - just switch its source! Your Instagram account is still connected to Litmus, just not that specific feed item.

disconnect button in upper right corner of customize pane

NOTE: If you disconnect your Instagram account in any Personalize item, Litmus will continue to share updated content so subscribers will not experience disruption in any existing emails.

To deauthorize Litmus from Instagram, please visit your Instagram account settings and remove Litmus from your third party apps. Instagram content will no longer update in your existing emails and will not be available for future personalized emails so please proceed with caution!

Impression usage

Instagram feeds use one impression per open. You can monitor your impression usage in your account settings.


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