Rule-based images guide

Tailor your email content to individual subscribers with rule-based images!

Rule-based images allow you to serve specific images to specific subscribers based on personalized conditions. For example, a bakery could set up a rule to display different images according to a customer's favorite flavor, providing a personalized experience more relevant to your readers.

NOTE: Rule-based images are available on Litmus Enterprise and Litmus Personalize Pro plans.

Create a rule-based image tag

Rule-based images are located in the Personalized Content section of the Litmus platform. Start from the Overview page or in the Rule-based images section of the Personalized content tab. Select Rule-based images from the left menu. Here, you can create a new tag and find any you've already created. Select New rule-based image in the upper right corner.

litmus personalize main window

Add images and set conditions

Your rule-based image's default name is the template name but you can edit it to whatever you prefer by clicking on the name on the top left.

On the left, upload images for different conditions you'd like to cover using the Upload image buttons. Two rule-based images and a fallback image are available by default, but If you need more than two images you can add as many as you need using the Add image button above the fallback image section.

rule based images design window with title edit indicated

With your images uploaded, select a condition for that image to appear, and add the corresponding merge tag value in the field to the right. There are a number of conditions you can select here, defined below.

In the Click-through URL field, add a URL for each image to send your subscribers to a corresponding landing page!

condition and click-through URL fields for a single image

NOTE: You can get additional analytics data from external sources with your rule-based images.

Include your tracking URL from services like Google Analytics or your ESP as the click-through URL in your image options. Your tracking parameters will be invisibly included in the final widget code.

Tracking from your external sources will be available in their usual reporting areas.

Be sure to add a fallback image! This is what will appear if the email is opened with no matching value for the parameter you set.

Condition operators

You can set one condition per image using the drop-down menu for condition operators.

condition operator drop-down menu

The operators here are defined as follows:

equals parameter matches merge tag value exactly
contains parameter partly matches merge tag value
is any of parameter matches one of multiple comma-separated values
empty parameter contains no value
is not empty parameter contains any value

Set your parameter with a merge tag

On the right side of the design tab, you can define your parameter and enter your merge tag in the Data inputs section.

data inputs section on the right side of the design tab with fields for parameter name and merge tag

A parameter is a string of text in your HTML that's set equal to your merge tag. We recommend naming your parameter similar to your merge tag for easier reference.

Merge tag values represent recipient data stored in your ESP. If your merge tag is %%cake.preference%%, a merge tag value could be "vanilla" or "lemon".

Merge tag values are not case sensitive. Your ESP will automatically replace your merge tag with the merge tag value for each recipient at the time of send.

Preview your rule-based image

When you have added your images, parameter, and set your conditions and click-through URLs, select Next: Preview your rule-based image in the top right corner. Here, you can enter a merge tag value to preview the resulting image and ensure your parameter is working.

a image of lemon cake displaying with lemon entered as the merge tag value

When you are sure your conditions are set correctly, select Next: Save and get HTML in the upper right to finalize your rule-based image and get your HTML tag.

Add a rule-based image to your email

To add a rule-based image to your email, copy the code generated and add it to your email's HTML.

NOTE: To enhance accessibility of your rule-based image, add alt text to your widget code.

You can quickly copy the tag by hovering over the image's thumbnail and selecting Copy HTML. Edit your title in your rule-based image library as well!

rule-based image thumbnails with title edit and copy html button

Impression usage

A rule-based image will count as one impression.

NOTE: Impressions usage limits vary based on your subscription. Learn more about usage limits and how impressions are counted to make sure you understand how your tag will impact your usage!


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