Proof approvals
Enterprise users can share proofs to get comments and, when a project is ready, get approvals from anyone you choose! Share your proof with Litmus team members or create a public share link. Anyone with access to your proof can comment or approve.
NOTE: Litmus Proof is available with Enterprise plans.
Team member approvals
Litmus team members who have been given access to your project can approve it with the green Approve button under the right side pane Approvals tab. Approvals are timestamped with the user's name. By default, the Litmus proof creator gets an email notification when anyone approves a proof.
A user can reverse their approval using the Undo link that appears under their name. Proof owners or other reviewers cannot reverse any other user's approval. |
Public share approvals
Reviewers who receive a public share link to your project can approve it with the green Approve button under the right side pane Approvals tab. By default, the Litmus proof creator gets an email notification when anyone approves a proof.
Public share reviewers can comment or approve a proof. In either case, they will need to enter their email address before submitting their input. Their email address will appear in the approval list so you can identify everyone who has approved or commented on your project.
Notification emails
Anyone invited to comment or approve a proof automatically receives an email notification and regular email reminders until they act on the proof. You can stop receiving reminders at any time by updating your Notifications settings.
The proof owner receives an email notification every time a reviewer approves the proof. It will include the reviewer's name or email address, depending on how they were invited to the proof review.
To turn off your reminders to review Proofs and folders, you can go to your Notification settings and deselect the option to send the reminders.
Review your approvals
In addition to seeing approvals, in the Proof tab of a project, you can also see approvals in your Litmus Emails inbox. The approval icon at the right of each email project turns green and provides the number of approvals received. Hover over the approval icon to see the approver's information and the timestamp when they approved.
You can quickly sort your inbox with the Approvals column header to see all emails that are in the review process.