Add analytics tracking in Builder
Litmus Builder makes it easy to add analytics tracking to your email and links. This article explains how to automatically update all links in your email with a common set of UTM parameters and how to insert a Litmus tracking code for measuring engagement and gathering unique email client and geolocation data to help you discover useful insights about your subscriber behavior.
Adding UTM parameters to links in your email
If you are working in Builder's code editor, select Insert and then choose UTM codes from the dropdown. In the visual editor, select Tracking and then UTM Manager to open the UTM Manager dialog.
The UTM Manager will automatically detect and display any links in the email and group links by domain. You can easily select which links to apply the UTM tracking code to by checking or unchecking them. By default, all links are selected. To edit the tracking code, select the Edit tracking code link which will bring up the text input field to edit the tracking code and then Update when finished editing. When finished, choose Apply Code to save the tracking code to the selected links. The tracking code will automatically be applied in the Browser preview. You can grab the final HTML with tracking codes added in two ways.
- Select Copy HTML in the Export menu. This will bring up a modal for you to copy the final HTML version of the email.
- Or you can download the entire email either via the keyboard shortcut command (Cmd+D on Mac or Ctrl+D on Windows) or by selecting the Download HTML option in the Export menu. This will create a .zip download of the entire email, including an original HTML version, compiled HTML version, and images. The final compiled HTML version will be saved with the -compiled.html extension.
Adding a Litmus Email Analytics tracking code to your email
If you are working in Builder's code editor, choose Insert and then Litmus tracking. If you are working in the visual editor, select Tracking followed by Litmus tracking. This will open the Litmus Email Analytics dialog
From the Litmus Email Analytics dialog, you can create a new Litmus tracking code that you can insert right into your Builder email in the correct location. Creating the tracking code will also set up a new campaign in your Analytics section. If you already have a campaign created, you can also choose the Use existing tracking code option and select it from your list.