Set up email monitoring with Litmus Email Guardian

Email Guardian automatically scans your selected emails every 24 hours for unexpected issues caused by email client updates and other external factors and checks for broken links that affect your content. Email Guardian notifies you of any major changes that might impact your subscribers’ experience.

NOTE: We monitor your email for changes in the Chrome webmail clients for Gmail, Yahoo!, Outlook, and Outlook 365 Desktop. You may monitor as many emails as you would like!

Start monitoring an email

Go to the Email Guardian section at the top left of the Litmus home page and select Get started now.

email guardian get started area on litmus home screen

Choose the green Monitor an email button at the top right.

email guardian window

Recent emails appear first or you can find an email using the search box above the list. Once you find the email you want to monitor, select the green Monitor this email button at the right.

You can also monitor the email through the monitor tab when hovering over the email.

By clicking that tab, you will be taken to the monitor page which will allow you to monitor that email in the right-hand sidebar. Click monitor this email to start monitoring.

Start monitoring an email without Previews & QA

If your Previews &. QA tab has not been added for your email, you can still monitor the email!

Litmus will automatically run a baseline set of previews.

It might take up to 24 hours for monitoring to start.

Turn on email notifications

Once you have selected emails to monitor, you need to turn on notifications.

NOTE: Email monitoring notification permissions need to be turned on in each account or subaccount you wish to receive notifications from.

From the main Email Guardian screen, select Notifications to opt in to receive guardian emails.

You can add other users to receive notifications with the Invite others button if you are an admin on the account.

notification invitation for users popup

Manage notifications in the Notifications tab of your account Settings.

Notifications settings with email guardian option highlighted

Opt out of email notifications

If someone invited you to email notifications, you can opt out of notifications in your account Settings page. Select Notifications in the left menu and uncheck the box for Email Guardian notifications.

You can also opt out of notifications on the main Email Guardian page

Email Guardian alert types

NOTE: You may receive alerts for momentary issues caused by a provider's update that they reverted within the 24 hour Guardian cycle. In that case, you won't find any changes in your email even though you received an alert.

Major Impact found

When a major impact is detected you will be alerted by email once the change is detected. We will alert you of each individual major impact detected across your monitored emails.

Monthly Summary

The monthly summary will be sent each month of any changes found. This report is sent monthly, even if changes were not detected.

Learn more about the difference between minor and major impacts and how to investigate changes.

Introduction video:


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