Pauses and cancellations

Basic or Plus plan Account Holders can pause or cancel a monthly plan or cancel an annual plan subscription. If you have a custom contract, please reach out to for assistance.

Pause or cancel a monthly Basic or Plus plan

Start in your settings, then choose Account in the left menu. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select the green Pause my subscription button or the gray Start cancellation button.

pause and cancellation options in Account section

Pause - next steps

Select Pause to see the pause period (60 days) explained and the start and end date of your pause.

The pause period begins on the first day of your next monthly renewal date. You can end your pause any time during the 60 days and billing will resume immediately.

You must check the box acknowledging you agree to the policies for pausing your subscription to activate the final submission button in the lower right corner.

If you want to cancel your subscription while your account is paused, please contact our Billing team.

Pause subscription modal Enlarge pause modal image

Cancel - next steps

Choose Cancel to see options including the Pause button near the top.

Select a choice from the cancellation feedback radio button list to activate the Continue button in the lower right corner.

Next you'll see an optional comment area and the final cancellation button.

Cancel subscription modal Enlarge cancel modal image

Cancel a free Basic or Plus trial

Start in your settings, then choose Account in the left menu. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select the gray Start cancellation button.

Litmus settings in upper right corner dropdown

cancellation button in trial account settings

Choose Start cancellation to find the cancellation feedback radio button list. Your choice activates the Continue button in the lower right corner.

Next you'll see an optional comment area and the final cancellation button.

Cancel trial modal Enlarge trial cancel modal image

NOTE: Your subscription will expire immediately when you cancel your trial. Your HTML content will remain available in your account when you're ready to subscribe again.

Cancel an annual Basic or Plus subscription

Annual subscriptions cannot be cancelled early but you can prevent it from auto-renewing at the end of your current 12-month term.

Start in your settings, then choose Invoices & Billing in the left menu.

Under your Billing contact dropdown, use the Edit billing preferences link.

In the Edit billing preferences window, use the toggle to turn off auto-renew.

Select the green Update billing preferences button in the lower right corner to save your new setting.

Your subscription will end once your renewal date is reached. You will have access to Litmus until that date.

Your HTML content will be available in your account if you subscribe again in the future, even if you choose a different plan type. Some Litmus-generated content may not be available as per our Data Retention Policy.

Billing area in Litmus Enlarge billing preferences image

edit Litmus billing preferences modal Enlarge edit preferences image

Cancellation FAQs

Why can't I find cancellation options?

  • You are not on the Account page in your settings
  • You are not the Account Holder. Only the Account Holder user may cancel a subscription. All other users, including Admins, will not see the cancellation options.
  • You have a contract with Litmus or you pay by invoice.
  • Your account is already inactive. This may be because it has already been cancelled, or is currently paused.

Can I export my data and screenshots before cancelling?

Yes, you may export your data for your Email Analytics campaigns and also download your screenshot results as ZIP files before you cancel your account. You can also download your Builder projects.

When I cancel my subscription, will I lose access to all my projects?

Trial plans end access immediately on cancellation. All other plans have access through the end of the paid monthly or annual period when the subscription ends.

You may resubscribe at any time and HTML projects will be available. Litmus contents subject to our data retention policy may be removed.

Is there a contract or cancellation fee for my subscription to Litmus?

There is no cancellation fee. You can upgrade or downgrade your Basic or Plus plan at any time, and cancel your subscription effective at the end of your current monthly or annual subscription period. Services are subject to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

Does cancelling my subscription delete my account?

No. When you cancel your subscription, you still have your Litmus account with your HTML content available. Check out How to Delete Your Account for details on removing all your information from Litmus.

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