Organize modules in Design Library

With categories in the Design Library, you can organize your modules in one centralized location. Categories are completely customizable, making it easy to organize modules by content type, department, team, region, email type, or any combination of organizational structures.  Modules can be assigned to multiple categories, making it easy to keep all resources current.

NOTE: Categories are only available with Litmus Enterprise plans.

Create a category

You have three options to create a category. Navigate to your Design Library by selecting Templates in the top navigation.

  • Use the Create a category button in the Categories block on the main page
  • Select the Create link next to Module categories in the left sidebar
  • If you don't have any categories yet, use the Create new category button under Module categories in the left sidebar

Fill in your category name and description (optional) in the popup modal, then use the Create category button in the lower right.

Your new category will show in the left sidebar Module categories section and you'll be taken to your new category so you can begin to create, add, and organize modules in it.

Assign or remove modules in categories

To add or remove a module from a category, first find the module and select it to see its details in the right sidebar. Find all your modules, regardless of type, in the All modules section in the left sidebar. 

With your module selected, use the three-dots icon in the right sidebar, and choose Edit categories.

Use the checkboxes to select one or many categories where you want your module assigned in the modal dialog and then Save in the lower right corner.

At any time, you can return to this area, uncheck any boxes to remove a module from a category, then save your changes.

Browse categories in Design Library

To browse modules in your categories, select a category name in the sidebar to view the modules in that category. From the category view, you can create, edit, or delete any modules in that category, as well as add and remove modules from the category.

Animation showing changes when selecting categories

Edit categories

To rename or delete a category, hover over its name in the category view and use the pencil icon to rename or the trashcan to delete.

If you didn't add a description to your category when you created it, use the Add a description option or to edit, select the existing description.

Category descriptions are visible in Builder to give users guidance modules while building emails.

Module category with pencil and trash can icons visible on hover and Add a description link available

Browse categories in Litmus Builder

When you organize modules in categories, you will find the same organization in Builder. To browse modules by category in the code editor, select Insert and then choose Snippets or Partials. Pick any category to expand its contents and view its full description, or use the search filter to quickly find what you're looking for.

To browse modules by category in the visual editor, select the Modules tab and you will see your categories. As before, choosing any category will expand its contents and description, or use the search filter to find what you need.

NOTE: Only Snippets are available for drag-and-drop building in the visual editor. Partials can only be added in the code editor.


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