Interactive live polls

Add gamification to email with live polling to boost click-through rates, engagement, and revenue! Live polls encourage interaction and increase open rates as recipients re-open to check in on the results which update live as the campaign unfolds and the votes roll in.

Learn how to create your own live poll with our step-by-step guide.

Create a Live Poll

Navigate to the Live polls section in the Litmus personalize tab and select the green New live poll button in the upper right corner.

live poll navigation

Choose a template from the options provided to customize. You can select the number of poll options in the next step.

choose a template for live polls

Once you have your template, choose the layout you would like to use based on the number of poll options you want to include, up to four options!

choose a layout for live pools

Add the required URLs and images for each poll option to redirect your subscribers after casting their vote. You can use different URLs or the same one for each option.

upload an image and url

Once you have the images and URLs added, customize the prompt, font colors, and background colors for your polls under the Styling section

added styling to poll

NOTE: Looking for more customization options? Reach out to discuss how Litmus Personalize Pro can help!

Preview and test your Live Poll

To test your live poll, enter numbers in the Clicks field for each option to preview how it will look as subscribers vote. These are placeholder values and won't affect your poll's final results.

preview and test your live poll

If you want to make any changes, choose the Back to editing button. If you're satisfied with the poll, select Next: Save and get HTML in the upper right corner. Your code will be generated!

copy the html

To add the live poll to your email, copy the code generated and add it to your email's HTML. You can copy the tag using the Copy HTML button below the code box. Add the code to your email in Litmus Builder or anywhere you develop your emails!

Your new poll will appear in the Live polls section in your account, so if you don't need the code right away, you can copy it from there later.

live poll dashboard

View your poll results and click data

Hover over a thumbnail in the Live polls section of the Personalize tab and select the View report button to check results and click data for any poll.

live poll report

The report will display the total number of clicks your poll has recorded and a breakdown of how many times each option was clicked.

live poll report results

Impression usage

Live polls contain 2-4 images depending on the number of questions in your poll. Each image appearing in your poll counts as an impression.
NOTE: Impressions usage limits vary based on your subscription. Learn more about usage limits and how impressions are counted to make sure you understand how your tag will impact your usage!

Apple Mail Privacy Protection (MPP)

When an email is sent to an inbox with MPP enabled, email images are automatically downloaded and cached. The cached images are then displayed when the email is opened. Due to this, live polls will display the counts as they were at the time of your send for users with MPP enabled.

We recommend staggering your sends when using live poll. This will allow a click count to be gathered before the images are cached for segments of your subscribers. MPP-impacted opens count towards impression usage.


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